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Dear Editors, 
      As you must be aware, the presidential election in Taiwan is scheduled for January 11, 2020.
Never in the History of Taiwan has there been any Presidential election that is as competitive and cut-throat as this coming one.
      Since so much is at stake the incumbent party with all its resources tends to commit foul play and irregularities, especially when the election is running neck to neck. As foul play has happened in several Taiwanese elections before, it is all the more important to prevent its recurrence this time. As a world leading media and to safeguard liberty and righteousness, we urge you to send correspondents to Taiwan to observe first hand the proceedings of the election. By your very presence, we are convinced, foul play and irregularities will be cut down, if not completely eliminated. 
We expect you action now.
William Lee, CEO of Radio Golden Vintage
Dear Editor,
As you must be aware, the Presidential election in Taiwan is scheduled for January 11, 2020. 
One of the biggest election issues concerns the doctorate status of incumbent Ms. Tsai Ing-Wen who claims that she received a doctor degree from LSE, London university in 1984. Ms Tsai has used this claim to advantage, including her college teaching career, various governmental posts and finally, in the running and winning of the Presidential election in 2016. 
Up the this point in time, Ms. Tsai, however, on demand, has failed to produce her original doctorate thesis as well as the doctorate certificate supposedly issued by LSE in 1984.
On the truth of the matter hinges the personal integrity and trustworthiness of Ms. Tsai which in turn will substantially determines the outcome of the coming election.
As a news media of world renown, we are desperately seeking your help in the clarification of this important issue.
Several personal inquiries in the past have not produced any official response from LSE, probably due to privity of the matter. We are inclined to believe, however that Ms. Tsai has taken some remedial action with LSE to escape the publicity of the truth. As President of Taiwan, Ms. Tsai definitely has enough muscle to force LSE to be noncommittal on this matter.
As time is of essence, we urge and plead with your distinguished media to find out on this matter, for the benefit of the Taiwanese people, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
We expect you action now.
William Lee, CEO of Radio Golden Vintage


  • 洛杉矶枪支家防安全讲座 2016-06-23 14:08:00

    活動時間:2016年10月15日下午3:00-5:00 地點:美國金華之聲廣播電台 601 Las Tunas Dr,Arcadia, CA91007 報名電話:626﹣462﹣9979    

  • 金华之声跨年感恩晚会 2016-06-23 14:08:00

    活動時間:2016年12月31日下午3:00-9:00 地點:美國金華之聲廣播電台 601 Las Tunas Dr,Arcadia, CA91007 報名電話:626﹣462﹣9979    


地點:美國金華之聲廣播電台 601 Las Tunas Dr,Arcadia, CA91007
